The Navigation Block is the primary element on your website that allows visitors to navigate across different pages. It is positioned at the top or on the left-hand side of every page, depending on your website's design settings. Visitors can click on the pages or navigation menu items linked in the Navigation Block to move around your website.
Although the Navigation Block cannot be removed from your website pages, there are customization options available to modify its appearance.
Choosing Where The Navigation Block Is Located
In the Design settings area of your Website Editor, you can determine whether your Navigation Block will appear at the top of your website pages, or on the left-hand side.
- On the left-hand side of your account's Dashboard, click on the
Website icon.
- In the website editor, select the
Design tab in the top left-hand area of the page.
- Choose the Navigation option.
Select whether you want the Top Navigation or the Left Navigation.
If you choose the Top Navigation option, your website will exhibit a Header at the uppermost part of each page and a distinct Footer at the lowermost part of the pages.
If you opt for the Left Navigation option, your website will integrate the Header and Footer into a single Navigation Block positioned on the left-hand side.
How to Customize the Top Navigation Block
- In your Zenfolio account, click on the
Website icon to enter the Website Editor.
- Once in your website editor, after you've chosen the top navigation, select the Navigation Block at the top of any page.
- On the left-hand side, you will find the different options that can be used to customize your Navigation Block.
- And on the right-hand side you can change the Layout of the Navigation Block.
Changing the Layout
With your Navigation Block selected, use the Layout option on the right-hand side to choose between layouts A, B, and C.
Customize the Options
Once you've decided on the layout you are wanting to use, you can then further customize the options of the Navigation Block, on the left-hand side.
There are two overall sections of options to choose from – Appearance and Background.
The Appearance options will allow you to turn on things like Sticky Nav, show or hide the Logo, and choose how many menu items will be seen. Show Logo will allow you to display the image or text Logo that you've added to your website. You can also choose what size the logo will be. Number of Items determines how many page menu items will be seen in your Navigation Block. If you have more publicly visible pages than the number of items allowed, a "More" dropdown menu will be seen to contain the rest of your menu items. Additionally, if the browser width of a visitor is not wide enough to display all of the items, they will be added to the "More" dropdown. Sitewide search allows your website visitors to be able to locate searchable content according to their search terms. Font Size will allow you to adjust how small or large the nav bar menu items are. Dividers and Spacing will determine whether or not there are dividers between each of the menu items and how much space is between each item. Hover State will determine whether your menu items are underlined or lightened when hovered over. Dropdown determines what kind of background your dropdown menus will have when someone hovers over the main menu item. |
On Scroll
The On Scroll options will allow you to determine how the navigation block, header of your website, reacts when visitors are scrolling up and down your website pages. Scroll With Page will cause the navigation block to disappear when scrolling down the page. To get the navigation block to reappear the visitor would need to scroll all the way back to the top of the page. Hide/Show on Scroll will cause the navigation block to disappear as the visitor scrolls down the pages. When the page begins scrolling back towards the top, the navigation block will appear again automatically. Sticky will result in the navigation block always being visible on the page. |
The Background options will allow you to customize the appearance background of the Navigation Block. Color will allow you to select from a variety of background colors. When you choose the background color, the color of the text and icons in the Navigation Block will be automatically adjusted to be clearly visible on the background color, if your design settings use adaptive text. Opacity allows you change the opacity level of the background. If set to 2 the background will be as transparent as possible. Some additional options are provided so that you can choose whether or not the navigation block background and font color changes when certain events occur (on hover or on scroll). You can also choose whether or not the Navigation Block will Overlap the Hero Block. |
Example of Transparent Background and Hero Block Overlap being enabled: Because the color of the text in the Navigation Block will be determined by the Background Color (i.e. the White and Cream background will result in Black text, and the Grey and Black background will result in White text), if you are intending to use the Background Transparency option, there are some important design notes to keep in mind:
How to Customize the Left Navigation Block
- In your Zenfolio account, click on the
Website icon to enter the Website Editor.
- Once in your website editor, after you've chosen the left navigation, select the Navigation Block on the left of any page.
- On the left-hand side, you will find the different options that can be used to customize your Navigation Block.
Customize the Options
Once you've selected the Navigation Block on your website page, you can then further customize the options of the Navigation Block, on the left-hand side.
There are two overall sections of options to choose from – Appearance and Background.
The Appearance options will allow you to show or hide the Logo, choose what information or icons are seen, and choose how many menu items will be seen. Show Logo will allow you to display the image or text Logo that you've added to your website. You can also choose what size the logo will be. Description allows you to add any additional text you might want displayed here. Number of Items determines how many menu items will be seen in your Navigation Block. If you have more publicly visible pages than the number of items allowed, a "More" dropdown menu will be seen to contain the rest of your menu items. Additionally, if the browser width of a visitor is not wide enough to display all of the items, they will be added to the "More" dropdown. Hover State will determine whether your menu items are underlined or lightened when hovered over. Account, Cart and Search Icons position will determine if these particular icons appear above or below your logo and menu items. Sitewide search allows your website visitors to be able to locate searchable content according to their search terms.
Footer Options will provide you with the ability to add some information that will typically be found in the Footer of a website. Because the left navigation bar combines the Header and Footer together, you your Business name, address, and phone number can all be added here. There is also a custom field if you wanted to add some additionally information, like your businesses operating hours.
Social Media can be switch ON or OFF to determine if social media icons will be seen for any social pages you've provide links for. |
The Background options will allow you to customize the appearance background of the Navigation Block. Color will allow you to select from a variety of background colors. When you choose the background color, the color of the text and icons in the Navigation Block will be automatically adjusted to be clearly visible on the background color, if your design settings use adaptive text. |
Customize the Menu Items (Pages) in the Navigation Block
When setting up your website, any Public Pages that you create will appear in your site's Navigation Block. See this article for more information about creating new Pages.
How to Make Pages Public
- In your Zenfolio account, click on the
Website icon, on the left-hand side.
- Choose the
Navigation tab.
- Locate the Draft or Hidden page you want to make Public and click on the
ellipsis icon.
- Choose Move to Public.
How to Change the Order of Public Pages
Once you've added Public Pages to your website, that will appear in your site's Navigation Block header, you can also rearrange and change the order of these pages.
For more information about using Dropdown menus to further organize your site's navigation menu, see this article HERE.