Exclusive to PortfolioPlus and ProSuite subscribers.
When offering digital downloads to customers, it is beneficial to establish an agreement that clearly defines the permissions and restrictions regarding the utilization of the photos or videos. This agreement serves to elucidate the rights and obligations of both the seller and the customer, fostering a mutually advantageous relationship. By creating a legally binding agreement, the terms and conditions regarding the usage of the content, including personal or commercial purposes, as well as any applicable limitations or restrictions, are clarified.
By default, all accounts will provide a Royalty-free personal use license agreement to customers who purchase digital downloads. However, additional options for digital licenses allow you to create up to 5 custom digital licenses. Furthermore, it is also possible to enable digital licenses on free downloads through a Gallery.
Customers must agree to the Digital License you select as the default, before being able to proceed with their purchase or download.
To get started with view the current Digital Licenses in your account, follow these steps:
- Click on the
Selling icon on the left-hand side of your Dashboard.
- Go to Settings
- Select, or scroll down to, the Digital Licenses section.
On this page, you will find the Digital Licenses currently added to your account. The first license available is the Royalty-free personal use license, which is the default license automatically applied to all digital orders. It is important to note that this default license cannot be modified or removed.
However, you have the option to duplicate the license and create a customized version using the vertical ellipsis icon. This allows you to start with the default text and make any necessary changes.
Creating a New Custom Digital License
- To create a new Digital License, click on the Add License button.
- In the window that appears create a unique License Name.
- Add further detail of the Products subject to this agreement. This can be used to further describe in basic terms what the digital download should be used for. For example: "Digital Download for personal purposes only and not for profit."
- Then create the full license agreement text that will provide in detail the terms in which the digital downloads are being provided. Because the Digital License will be provided to the customer as a PDF file you can add text formatting like bold, italics, alignment, and even adding hyperlinks to the text.
- Click Save.
Choosing the License that Customers Will Agree To
To establish which Digital License your customers must agree to when making a digital purchase or downloading from a Gallery, it is necessary to designate that specific license as the Default option. Although you have the ability to offer up to 6 Digital licenses (5 customized and 1 provided), only one Digital License can be chosen as the terms of agreement that customers will encounter.
Editing a Digital License
Editing Custom Licenses
To edit the custom Digital Licenses, locate the license you wish to edit and click on the ellipsis icon to the right-hand side.
A menu will appear with the different options for that license.
- Edit - Make changes to the information and text of the Digital License
- Make Default - Select this Digital License as the default license that customers will need to agree to when purchasing digital products or downloading from a Gallery.
- Duplicate - Create a duplicate of the exact license which can then be edited according to needs. Note: it is only possible to create up to 5 custom licenses, it will not be possible to duplicate a license if 5 other custom licenses already exist.
- Delete - Permanently remove the Digital License from the account. It is not possible to restore or recover a deleted license.
Editing the Provided Royalty-Free License
The default Royalty-free personal use license the is provided cannot be modified or removed. However, you have the option to create a duplicate of this license and customize it according to your needs, using the default text as a foundation.
Enabling the Digital License for Free Gallery Downloads
In addition to the requirement of having a Digital License agreement for all digital download orders, it is also possible to configure the Digital License to be presented during the download process from a gallery. For detailed instructions on how to enable the downloading option in a Gallery, please refer to this support article HERE.
Follow these steps to enable the Digital License for Gallery downloading:
- In your Zenfolio account, click on the Galleries icon
on the left-hand side. Select the Gallery you want to enable the Digital License in, for free photo downloads.
- Go to the Gallery Settings.
- Go to Content.
- If not already done, switch ON the Free Downloads option. Note: If you do not wish to offer free downloads you should leave this option OFF. See this support article for more information about selling downloads.
- Toggle the Digital Photo License Agreement option ON.
Note: The Digital License provided to clients and visitors who wish to download will be the default license selected for your account. This Digital License will be applicable for both full Gallery and Single download options.
Zenfolio is not liable for any dispute arising out of any digital image license agreement, and provides NO warranties for ANY digital image license, whether the license is created entirely by you, the Photographer, or provided by Zenfolio as a template and used by you "as is" or as modified. Zenfolio is also not responsible for the enforcement of any digital image license agreement; this responsibility lies solely with you, the Photographer.