Are you wanting to offer products for sale through your galleries, but the current integrated product offerings do not provide the products you need? Or perhaps you do your own printing and fulfillment of client orders, and need to set up the products you offer. With Zenfolio's Self-Fulfilled selling option, you're able to sell almost any kind of product imaginable, right through your Zenfolio Galleries.
At a high level, here is a look at setting up Self-Fulfilled Products:
Create Products
Set Shipping Methods
Creating a Price List
Assign Price List to Gallery
Self-fulfilled items are delivered by you and are not sent to your clients through Zenfolio.
Whether you're selling basic prints, or even something more unique like screen printed shirts, hand painted artwork, or even custom jewelry; follow these steps to create and start selling your Self-Fulfilled products.
- In your account, click on the Selling icon on the left-hand side.
- From the Selling page, choose Self-Fulfilled.
- Click on Create Product.
Creating a Self-Fulfilled Product
From here, you'll begin creating a specific product, or set of products, you want to offer as a Self-Fulfilled product through your Galleries. In this example, we will create a set of self-fulfilled print products.
- First, choose the Product Type and Category (i.e. Prints, Frames, etc.). This will allow you to choose from some predetermined product options later in the setup. If the product doesn't necessarily fall within the provided categories, choose Specialty Products. See more information here about creating a completely Specialty Self-Fulfilled product.
- Next, create a Product Name. This should give your client an overall idea of what this product is – this will act as a "sub-category" from the category chosen first. (i.e. Small Prints, Large Prints, Keychains, etc.)
- For the Description, provide more detailed information about the product. If you're offering products from a specific lab outside of Zenfolio, you could copy/paste that lab's product descriptions.
- (Optional) If you're creating a singular product, and have an actual Internal Product ID that helps you quickly identify what products are ordered, you can provide an Internal Product ID.
Next, you'll want to select the Product Options (or variations) for this product offering. This is going to indicate specific options that the client's will be able to select for this product (size, color, material, etc.) If you've chosen one of our provided product categories, you can click on Default Catalog to choose from predetermined options from Zenfolio. Or, if you chose "Specialty" as the product category, or you want to generate your own product options, click on Add Product Option to manually set up the options of the product.
Default Catalog
- To begin, click on the Default Catalog button.
- Choose the sub-category of products you want to view and select from.
- Select the size products you're wanting to offer, as well as provided options for these chosen type of products. For example, if you're setting up a Framed print option, you can select different types of frames you want to offer.
- Once you're done making the selection, click on Add.
Add Product Option
- If you want to set up custom product options, click on the Add Product Option button.
- From there you'll need to choose the type of Variation you're adding. For example, if you're wanting to set up different sizes of print, choose the "Size" type and the unit of measurement you'll want to use. Other types of variation may allow you to customize what the variation will be (paper type, fabric type, etc.)
- Enter the actual information of the variation. For example, if you're adding a Size option for a 4x6 print, you'll indicate the height/width of the print as a variation. If you're setting up the Material, you might set the variations as "Basic Paper", "Glossy Paper", etc.
- To add additional variation options, click on the Add a Variation button.
- Once you've completed, you can then click on Add to continue creating more variations, or Add and Close to exit this screen.
Please Note: If you're setting up a self-fulfilled product as a specific size print, then you only need to indicate one size variation of the print. If you're setting up this product as a group, or sub-category, of products (i.e. small prints, large prints, etc.) then you can choose different size options to be included.
Adjusting Product Options
- Once you have your product options (variations) added, you can view the different products that you've selected to offer. Click on an Option/Variation title to expand it.
- If you're offering a variation that is not mandatory (photo retouching) you can uncheck the Required box.
- If you need to edit what variations you're offering, you can click on the
pencil icon.
- And if you want to delete an entire section of variations, click on the
trash icon.
You will set the actual price of this product when you add it to a price list.
Now, you'll need indicate if you want to allow a Customer Note, and if this product doesn't require any shipping. For products that client's will pick up from you, in person, you won't need to charge anything for shipping and you can then select No Shipping Required.
Once you've complete setting up all the information for the product, click Save.
Specialty Self-Fulfilled Products
It is not necessary for you to use any of the predetermined Self-Fulfilled product options. If you want full control over the Self-Fulfilled products being offered, follow these steps to create Specialty Self-Fulfilled Products.
- In your account, click on the Selling icon on the left-hand side.
- From the Selling page, choose Self-Fulfilled.
- Click on Create Product.
From here, you'll begin creating a specific product, or set of products, you want to offer as a Self-Fulfilled product through your Galleries. In this example, we will create a custom T-shirt product option.
- First, choose the Category of your products. Because this product is not offered through the integrated labs, and i'm going to print it outside of Zenfolio, the Specialty Products option will be chosen.
- Next, create a Product Name. This should give your client an overall idea of what this product is. (i.e. T-shirts, Keychains, etc.) For the Description, provide more detailed information about the product. This could be used to explain what type of t-shirt is being used, where the product will be printed from, etc.
- (Optional) If you're creating a singular product, and have an actual Internal Product ID that helps you quickly identify what products are ordered, you can provide an Internal Product ID.
- If you'd like to upload a photo that helps demonstrate the type of product you're offering, you can upload up to three photos here. Click on the + icon to select a photo from your computer.
You will now need to begin adding the options (variations) of the product so that clients will be able to select necessary options so that you know exactly what size product they need, for example.
- Click on the Add Product Option button.
- From there you'll need to choose the type of Variation you're adding. For example, to allow clients to choose their t-shirt size, I'll choose the "Other" type and set the name of this option to "Size".
- Click on Add a Variation to add more options. I'm going to set Small, Medium, and Large t-shirt sizes.
- Once you've completed, you can then click on Add to continue creating more variations, or Add and Close to exit this screen.
- Once you create a set of variations, you can choose to require the client to make the selection of those options by checking the Required box. Since it is necessary for me to print this t-shirt in the correct size, i'll require the client to choose a size.
- If you need to edit what variations you're offering, you can click on the
pencil icon.
- If you want to delete an entire section of variations, click on the
trash icon.
- And if you need to add more variation options, click on Add Product Option.
Lastly, you'll need to indicate some additional options for the product(s).
- If you'd like to allow clients to provide you with a note when they place their order, enable the Customer Note option.
- If this is a product that does not require the client to select any particular photo, or any specific number of photos, you can enable the No Photo Selection Required. For example, if you're selling a calendar that you've already pre-selected the photos for, the client will not need to make any specific photo selection. Another example of this might be a book or photo album that you've created and want to sell.
- If you are wanting to require the client to select photos for their print order, you can also indicate a Minimum Number of Photos Required. For our t-shirt product example, we only need the client to choose one image. However, if you're offering a collage product or a memory mate style product, you might need the client to choose 2 or more photos for the product.
- If this product doesn't require any shipping you can enable the No Shipping Required option. This can be used if a client is going to pick up the products in-person or if you're going to hand deliver them to the client.
- Once you've completed creating the product(s), go ahead and click Save.
You will set the actual price of this product when you add it to a price list.
Self-Fulfilled Shipping
Before you begin selling your Self-Fulfilled products to your clients, you'll need to make sure that you've set up the proper shipping costs that you'll need to collect.
- On the main Self-Fulfilled page, in the Selling area of your account, click on Self-Fulfilled Shipping.
- From here you'll be able to choose up to three shipping methods that clients can choose from. If you just want to offer one shipping method, only check one of these options.
- If you want to change the name of the shipping method, click on the pencil icon.
- Use the Flat Shipping Rate box to indicate how much it's going to cost to ship the item with that shipping method.
- And lastly, if you want to provide clients with free shipping, after they spend a certain amount of money on their order, you can indicate that here as well.
- Once you've set up the shipping information, click Save.
Be sure to regularly check with the lab or carrier, that is going to be delivering your orders, so that you can make sure that you're collecting to appropriate amount for shipping.
Creating a Self-Fulfilled Price List
After creating your individual Self-Fulfilled products and offerings, these products will not be available for purchase until you create a Price List and/or add the products to the Price List, and assign the Price List to a Gallery.
- In your account, click on the Selling icon on the left-hand side.
- From here, click on Price Lists.
- If you're wanting to create a whole new Self-Fulfilled Price List, click on the Create Price List button. If you already have a self-fulfilled product price list that you want to add products to, you can just click on Edit for that price list, and skip to step 7.
Note: Self-Fulfilled is treated as its own unique printing lab, so you can have a specific Self-fulfilled price list that does not allow vendor fulfilled products. However, a vendor fulfilled price list can include self-fulfilled products. - Choose the Shoot Type this Price List will be for.
- Give the Price List a unique name so you know exactly what this Price List is for.
- Select Self-Fulfilled as the print lab for this Price List.
Now that you've created the Self-Fulfilled price list, you can begin adding products. If you do not have any Self-Fulfilled products created, it will prompt you to create some products.
- In your Price List, click on Add Self-Fulfilled.
- Select the product category you want to select from.
- Select the specific product(s) you want to add.
- Then click on the Add button.
See this guide for more information about creating Price Lists in general.
Pricing Your Products
After you've added your products to the Price List, you'll now need to set the prices that your clients are going to pay when they order these products.
- Click on a Product to expand it, revealing the different variations of the product.
- If you'd like to go ahead and set up a markup that will apply to everything, click on Apply Bulk Markup. A new panel will appear where you can set the % Markup and/or $ Markup of products.This will automatically generate the Selling Price, depending on what you set for your Cost. Be sure to click Apply when you're done setting the Bulk Markup.
- Next, if you have any base Cost of producing these products, you can indicate that here. The Cost is what you pay for this product, not what your client is paying. For example, your Cost of a 4x6 print may only be $0.10, but you might actually charge the client $5.00. Note: Adding your Cost is not required, but it is recommended if you're wanting to rely on the Sales Reports that Zenfolio generates for your account.
- Next, you'll see the Fees amount that Zenfolio charges for selling this product through the platform. There is a commerce fee of 7%* per order. *This does not include credit card company payment processing fees.
- Next, the Profit column will show you the estimated profit that will be earned from the sale of the product. Again, this is the estimated profit you'll be earning from the product, the Zenfolio commerce fee and product cost are calculated out of the selling price to provide your profit amount. However, please be aware that the Payment Processing Fee that is charged by Stripe or PayPal is not taken into consideration here, as the exact Payment Processing Fee can vary by region.
- And lastly, the Selling Price is what your client's will be paying to purchase this product. If you've set a Bulk Markup, this selling price will already be generated from the base cost you indicated. If you want to manually adjust the Selling Price, you can of course click in the box and enter in the price manually.
Click on Save to save the changes you've made to the Price List.
Assigning the Price List to a Gallery
Once you've gone through and added all the products you're wanting to offer through this Self-Fulfilled price list, you will need to assign the price list to galleries to allow clients to select products from the price list.
- While you're still in your Price List, click on Assign to Gallery.
- By default, you'll see any galleries that match the Shoot Type you selected for the Price List. If the Galleries you want to select are visible, select the Galleries you want to assign the Price List to. Use the Select All option if you wan to select all available Galleries.
- If you'd like to view all Galleries in your account, regardless of their Shoot Type, click on See All Folders & Galleries.
- Navigate to the Folder/Gallery that contains the Galleries you want to assign the Price List to, and select those Galleries.
- Click on Save once you've selected the Galleries you want to assign the Price List to.
See this guide for more information about assigning Price Lists in general.
If you're looking for more information about enabling selling, setting up how you'll accept payments, etc. Please see this guide here.
Please be aware of the following fees and costs when selling products through Zenfolio: There is a commerce fee of 7% per order (calculated on the order sub-total, excluding tax and shipping) and a payment processing fee of 2.9%+0.30 when using Stripe* or 3.49%+0.49 when using PayPal (calculated on the order total, including tax and shipping). You keep the remaining profit, minus any product cost for either print production or digital product delivery.
*If an order is discounted after being placed, during approval, Stripe charges an additional fee on the discounted amount of 1% for USD transactions and 2.9% for non-USD transactions. This additional payment processing fee from Stripe will be seen on Stripes end of the reported payment.