Your Zenfolio account provides you with the ability to create a multi-page website. These pages can be used for various purposes, but one reason you might create an additional page on your website is to display a portfolio-style viewing of images.
To create a basic portfolio-style page, use the following steps to get started:
- In your Zenfolio account, click on the
Website icon on the left-hand side.
- In the Website editor, click on the
Navigation icon in the top left-hand area.
- Click on the
icon to create a new page on your website. A new page should appear in the site pages list on the left-hand side.
- Give the new page a name, this will be the name that appears within your site's navigation menu.
- With the new page created and named, click on the
icon on the right-hand side to add a new Block to the page.
- You can select any block to add to your page, but for a portfolio-style page specifically the primary block you want to add is an Image Block. In this example, we will be using the Masonry Landscape block.
After selecting which block you will be adding to the page, the various options of that block will appear on the left-hand side. For the Image Blocks, you'll be able to adjust the Appearance, Background, Scroll FX, and Images that will appear in the block.
*Note: Images that will appear in the block can either be first be uploaded to your Zenfolio account or uploaded to the block straight from your desktop. See this guide for more information about first uploading to your account.
If you'd like to add a fully functional Gallery to your website page, see this guide for more information about using the Linked Gallery Block.
In addition to the Image & Gallery Block that will contain the images of the page, you can add additional blocks depending on if you want to add text, add a contact form, or even add additional image blocks.
Here are a couple examples of pages created using Image Blocks for a portfolio-style page.
Learn more about using the Featured Galleries block to create a Portfolio, in this video: