Exclusive to PortfolioPlus and ProSuite subscribers.
With the ability to create a selling Gallery on your website, you can give regular everyday visitors the choice to purchase print products and digital downloads from your website. Rather than having Galleries that are only accessible to specific clients, you could have Galleries that can be viewed and purchased from by anyone viewing your website. For example, you could create a Gallery of some of your best landscape images and make them available for print purchasing on a "Shop" page. This allows you to create another source of income from your website, and in this guide you'll learn how to add a selling Gallery to your website to start selling products to your website visitors.
Before creating the selling Gallery on your website, there are three important steps involved in setting your account and Gallery up for selling. Please be sure to first complete these steps before continuing with adding a selling Gallery to your website.
Connect a Payment Processor To Accept Payments
Create A Price List
Enable The Store And Assign Price List
Once you've completed these preliminary steps for getting your account and Gallery prepared for selling, you can add this to your website using the Linked Gallery Block or Featured Galleries Blocks.
Using the Linked Gallery Block
- In your account, click on the
Website icon on the left-hand side.
- Go to the
Navigation tab of your Editor view.
- Select the page of your website that you want to add this Gallery to. See more information here about creating a new page on your website.
- With the page open that you want to make the selling Gallery accessible from, click on the
icon, in the right-hand side of the Editor view, to choose what type of Block you want to add to the page.
- Scroll down to the Image & Gallery Blocks section, and choose Linked Gallery.
- Once you choose the Block, you will choose the Gallery you want to add to this page.
- Click Continue.
*Note: It will only be possible to add one Linked Gallery Block to each page at a time. - In the panel on the left-hand side, use the Appearance to control whether or not you want the Gallery Description to be visible, and what kind of alignment will apply to that. You can also Adjust the padding and dividers that will be added to the Block.
- If you ever want to change which Gallery is being used in this Block, you can use the Change Source option. And the Lightbox option will allow you to determine if an enlarged "Lightbox" view is seen of a photo when it is clicked.
Make sure you choose Publish, in the top right-hand corner.
Please Note: Using the Linked Gallery Block will add a fully function client Gallery to your website page. If you have downloading enabled through the Gallery's settings, downloading will be available through the Gallery on your website page. Be sure to check the settings of the Gallery to make sure that it is appropriately setup for public viewing.
Using the Featured Galleries Blocks
- In your account, click on the
Website icon on the left-hand side.
- Go to the
Navigation tab of your Editor view.
- Select the page of your website that you want to add this Gallery to. See more information here about creating a new page on your website.
- With the page open that you want to make the selling Gallery accessible from, click on the
icon in the right-hand side of the Editor view to choose what type of Block you want to add to the page.
- You can choose one of the Buttons from the Other Blocks, or you can choose to add Featured Galleries from the Image & Gallery Blocks. In this example, we will choose the Featured Galleries block.
- Once you choose the Featured Galleries Block, a group of 3 Feature Galleries will appear by default. The default layout will display these Galleries vertically, but you can change to a horizontal layout by choosing Layout B.
- In the panel on the left-hand side, use the Appearance section to edit the Title and Description of your Featured Galleries Block.
- In the Images section, you can edit the individual galleries in your Featured Galleries Block, simply click on the specific Feature Gallery on the left-hand side of the page, or within the Featured Galleries Block itself, to view additional settings. You can also add or remove Feature Galleries. Use the
icon to add a new Feature Gallery and use the
icon to delete a Feature Gallery.
- When you select a specific Feature Gallery to edit its additional settings, you can replace the default image by choosing Replace Photo. You will be able to choose an image already in your account or by uploading directly from your desktop. You can also change the Title and description Body of the Feature Gallery in the Appearance section.
- In the Link section of these additional options, you can edit the Label to display a custom text button for the Feature Gallery.
- Next to Link Type, choose the Gallery option and click on Select Source to connect your selling Gallery to your Featured Galleries Block.
- In the window that appears, navigate to your selling Gallery and select it, then click Next.
- You can then select which Design you want to use for your selling Gallery. Choose a design and click Save.
- Click Back in the top left-hand corner to return to the primary options for the Featured Galleries Block, and repeat steps 8-13 to add additional selling Galleries to your Featured Galleries Block.
- Once you are satisfied, make sure you choose Publish, in the top right-hand corner, so your visitors can shop directly from your website.
Learn more about creating a selling Gallery for your website, in this video:
There is a commerce fee of 7% per order (calculated on the order sub-total, excluding tax and shipping) and an additional payment processing fee* (calculated on the order total, including tax and shipping). If a discount is applied to an order, the commerce fee will be calculated after the discount.
*The exact Payment Processing Fee differs based on form of payment and location of seller. There may also be a difference in the Payment Processing Fee if the client is deemed international. Click HERE for more information regarding the fees involved with selling.